Monday, July 30, 2012

Mommy Gadgets to Save $$ and Time

I love my quesadilla maker!!! Back in 2007 when my husband and I got married we did the typical wedding registry. We hit a few major retail stores and made an ongoing list of all the items that would be wonderful to have as we were starting our life in a new home together. I had worked in a restaurant at the time and loved  chicken quesadillas so it was on the top of our kitchenware's list. Little did I realize back then how much time and money this gadget would save me when I became a mom.

Why I love this as a mom... because you can throw anything in a quesadilla and make it yummy. For instance my kids love pizza. They would eat it morning, noon, and night if it was offered so for lunches  I can throw in some pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese. I can even add pepperoni on half for my older daughter. A makeshift pizza in minutes... both mom and kids are happy.

It makes meals easy to individualize. Everyones quesadilla is made separately.This means unlike a casserole everyone can choose to add or eliminate different ingredients based on their personal tastes. Have a kid who hates onions even though dad loves them, not a problem with this dinner. This fact alone means the issue of, throwing food away because your child is dead set on not eating it, is done. (saving money)

Another money saving tip is you can use leftovers of whatever you have, add it in and dinner is served. Below you will see a quick example. We had bacon left over from breakfast for dinner earlier in the week. Also,we had a left over chicken breast from another night. Chopping up both I threw it in with a little cheese and 10 minutes later we were all eating.

The fact that it only took 10 minutes to make 3 quesadillas may be  my favorite factor. This machine heats up in a few minutes creating a quick meal. Better yet it is a non-stick surface so clean up is quick,  only a few minutes to wipe down after dinner.

Lastly, but certainly not my least favorite about this is the quesadilla "hides" what is inside. This means my picky toddler can't whine that something "green" is in her dinner. It makes it easy to dice veggies and add them discreetly.  Out of sight out of mind:)

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