Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankfulness Day #15

Today I am thankful for modern conveniences. I  had quite a day yesterday and so I decided today  I really needed to get somethings accomplished. I started this morning by throwing the painted clothes in the washing machine. After scrubbing them last night I  let them soak through the night before using my washer to remove the last of the soil. Then I went on to making homemade applesauce. My grandmother stopped by shortly after I got everything in the crockpot and I mentioned doing it and she was in shock I did it in the crockpot, for in her day she had to spend long hours  slaving over a stove to do such things. I also, managed to turn in important legal documents and do some Christmas shopping both via the Internet. Imagine there was a day  where you weren't able to do things such as these from the convenience of your own home. As I am just starting dinner, my husband sent me a text message to hold off he would be late returning from work tonight. How nice it was not to have to sit and wait for him  and eat cold food. Cellphones and particularly text messaging have made communication almost instantaneous and while it can be a annoying at times, it can be an amazing asset.

Thankfulness Day 13 &14

I will start by saying I did actually do these, they just never posted so I am combining and posting today:)

Day 13
Today I am thankful for my awesome children and the ability to spend time with them. I am in the childcare business and while I love it, my kids ALWAYS have to share there space, toys, and honestly if you ask them more importantly their mom. Sure there are fights over toys and such, but there are alot of times they want to climb on my lap and have me hold them and read to them, but I have to care for someone else who needs a diaper change, bottle, time out, etc. However, today we have no other kids visiting us and we are able to spend time together(even get out of the house!!! which is a big thing for us). I wouldn't change my life for anything, but I am thankful for the special moments I get to just hold them and nothing else matters or takes priority for that moment.

Day 14
Today I am thankful for my wonderful and loving husband. Of course there are days he drives me nuts or we don't see eye to eye, but honestly he is a good , loving, God-fearing man. I am so proud of who he is and that his family only takes the second to God and God alone.

I had a rough day today(life of a typical mom!). One of my daycare kids woke both my kids up early creating cranky kids on all fronts, then I swear it was a full moon or I was speaking a foreign language to them all day.I had issues with some things I was trying to accomplish during nap time, and the husband messaged me and said he was working late(praise the Lord for money, but ohh what a day I could have used him home). Only to get home and try to get something accomplished in our upstairs addition. We decided to do some spot painting while the girls played in the empty rooms with ride-ons. We have done it a million times before, but this time was a little different. Our 22 month old decided shed test out the paint and put her entire hand in the gallon of white paint and proceeded to put it all over the floor(the only finished floor upstairs!), as well as her black shirt and dark jeans(literally my favorite outfit). After a cry for help to my husband who forgot to mention he was leaving the room, we managed to get the mess cleaned up and finish the job. It doesn't sound so terrible(and isn't my means of measure), but I know there are moms out there who know what I mean with I say it was a million little things that went wrong that day and in the end my husband worked so hard just to make me smile. He didn't get frustrated or complain he had a long day too, he smiled and got the kids ready for bed so that I could sit and take a break. He ran and got me my medicine that I could have gotten myself, he gave me one of those endearing looks from across the room that says "I Love You", he did what he could to make me smile rough day or not. There are countless reasons as to why I am thankful for my husband and today was just one of them.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankfulness Day 8-12

WOW I am way further behind than I thought I was...time just seems to slip away from me some days and once it does I have a hard time gaining traction. However, I refuse to backslide a little and just give up so I'm here to catch up(and hopefully STAY caught up).

Day #8
Today, I am thankful for great friends. They are there to help when you need them, to pray for you when you can't seem to find your path, to share in your good times and your bad. Friends are amazing. I have been blessed with so many people from all walks of life. Friends from school that tho we may no longer keep in touch on a regular basis they have helped make me who I am today. Friends from previous work situations, some that have lasted and some that made a fantastic impression on me during that time period. Friends from church that couldn't be more supportive, who understand and are willing to lift me and my family up in prayer even when they don't know the circumstances. For my virtual friends(you know who you are BBC girls) who I can tell anything too. They are a sounding board for frustrations, a helping hand when I need it, and voice of reason when I can't figure out what to do.  For all of you that I call friend(which is alot) I am thankful for you. You have helped make me who I am today.

Day #9
Today I am thankful for the weekend. Now don't get me wrong I love my work and am so thankful that I have the ability and opportunity to work. However, in a culture where everyone seems to be constantly trying to get ahead I love to remind myself that even GOD rested and that he values it as important. The weekends often are chock full of work at home as well, but we get to take a break from must-haves from others and the only must-have list is our own so if  its not all accomplished no one is waiting with a hammer to smack us down. Weekends are amazing and I am so thankful that I have them to spend with my family.

Day #10
Today I am thankful for the opportunity to serve. At our church  we have a rotating schedule where we volunteer to serve in different parts of the church. My husband and I have volunteered our time in the youngsters class  on Saturday nights. It is awesome to  be able to serve the Lord in a country where we are free to do so without hesitation. Its also, amazing to work with such children as they are still so innocent to the ways of the world.

Day #11
Today I am thankful for an amazing church. When I grew up I attended a separate church than I do now. I learned a ton,built friendships that would last a lifetime, and can tell you the countless fun times I can recall. However, as I grew  and started to date/get engaged to my husband I felt like I was not spiritually growing outside of the  teen program I once loved. My husband  and I decided to look around for other churches where we felt we fit. We found an amazing church that we now call home. I'm so thankful that we had the opportunity to do so, and found such an awesome church. It really is a blessing as we have been able to grow both as individuals and together. Plus, we now have children that we are able to raise in a great family oriented church.

Day #12

Today I am thankful for those who risked there lives to defend my freedom. I know I have mentioned before that I feel like I have won the birthplace lottery and I have. The US is an amazing place and it is the courage of those men and women who allow us all to lay peacefully at night. I also, want to thank their families. Honestly, I know very well God has a plan for us all and I cold NEVER be  a military wife. Those women are stronger than I could ever imagine. The families of our military may not be on the front line, but they sure fight a battle everyday and for that I am forever grateful.