Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy 1st Day of Lent: A Place for Everything, and Everythin in it's Place!

So anyone who knows me knows that while I am a Christian, I am not Catholic. I have in the past decade though often participated in Lent. I don't do this because I feel I need to, but because I think self discipline is something that I need to practice more of and what a time to do it then when now.  This year I struggled with what to give up. I really haven't been indulging in anything except improving my house and being pregnant haha.... then I saw someone post an idea and I was hooked. I'm giving up CLUTTER!!!!

Sounds kinda silly at first, but I was thinking Im constantly keeping things thinking I might need this, or the kids will be sad if they know its gone. Ive been fairly descent about it, but as we are starting to move things around Im realizing how much STUFF we have so it is time to declutter and minimize. I know I won't care to give up the time to go through every inch of my house nor will I really care to get rid of things, but it needs done. I couldn't decide what to do this year, but when I saw this I knew it was for me. So each day whether I feel up to it or not I need to declutter something!

What have you decided to give up this year?

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