Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dave Ramsey- Baby Step 1

The Total Money Makeover
A few days ago I began telling your our story of Dave Ramsey and how he has helped us to achieve "Financial Peace." Today I wanted to start telling you a little of what he teaches. He has many books, seminars, etc that dive deep into several financial issues that can build up or tear apart a marriage, family, life.

He has become a millionaire and I have heard him say if you want to become rich then you do what those who are rich do, if you want to become poor than you do what those who are poor do. The first step he teaches is to build a foundation. Start what he calls a "Baby Emergency Fund". You do whatever you can to put $1000 into a savings account to save for life's curve balls. Anytime you experience an emergency you can't plan/budget for this is there to help. These things  will happen it is just a matter of when . Examples may be when you're car breaks down, your water heater goes, or your son breaks his arm. These are all expenses that can ruin a budget and in several American homes end up on a credit card. Having $1000 in the bank will help eliminate creating more debt when these "Murphy's" arise.

Check out more posts here:
Dave Ramsey Intro

also, visit

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