Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mommy Tips & Tricks~ Vinegar Wipes

I'm sure if any of you are moms to girls who are (or once were) young and potty trained you can relate to an issue we have been having in our home. My beautiful 3 year old has been potty trained for a year now (thank you Jesus!) and while I am glad to no longer have to buy and tote diapers for her we have arrived at a new problem for her. As most young girls she does not "wipe" herself well enough after using the facilities.

Now I am a mom who does not care for medicated creams and products full of unnatural chemicals. I  had been giving her vinegar baths a few times a week and while it was helping the issue it was not solving it. After battling the yeast issue for awhile we have decided to make & use vinegar wipes. These have become an awesome lifesaver.  After, seeing first hand how much improvement we had I decided to share with other moms out there the steps I used to make them. They are simple and only take a few minutes as well as products you typically have around the house.

First I started with a regular empty wipes container, on the top I wrote Vinegar Wipes for differation.

Then I cut several paper towels into pieces and stacked them in.

 I created a mixture of 1 cup water, 1 tsp white vinegar, 1 tsp baby soap
(I have been told you can also add 1 tsp oil to the mixture, however I didn't with mine)

Simply pour the mixture over the paper towels and allow them to absorb, you may need to add more paper towels depending upon wetness.

Now you have vinegar wipes and are ready to use. For us we use them 2-3 times a day.

Note: I am not a medical professional just a mom who prefers holistic measures to commercial medicine.  My doctor loves that I make & use these, but if you have any doubt please consult with your pediatrician/physician.

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