Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kid's Clothes- How To Get Them At A Fraction Of The Cost

Are your kids growing like weeds? Do you feel like you constantly have to buy them new clothes because what you just got them no longer fits?  We are blessed in the technological era to have many outlets for purchasing and selling clothing. We have the very obvious opportunity to purchase at retailers, but this can often break a budget so how do you find clothes cheap enough to keep up with your child's growth spurts?You can try to coupon or hit the clearance racks, but then you are at the mercy of the retailer. Here are some alternatives to finding a great deal.

stock photo : Stylish children's jeans with a red belt.*Garage Sales~ The tried and true driving from house to house on Saturdays to dig through one man's trash, hoping to find your own treasure. Search your local paper listings for areas that are having community sales. These usually lead to a wealth of children's clothing at cheap prices. Also, check out for more listings in your area and coordinate  your route.

*Ebay~ Here you have the opportunity to purchase gently used clothes at a fraction of the cost and shipped right to your door. People are typically selling clothing in lots so you can pick up a few outfits for the price of one and never have to leave your house.

stock photo : modern boys' summer clothes isolated on white background*ThredUP~ This is a great program where you can swap clothes with other moms online. You can choose boxes based on your child's size, age, gender and then create boxes your children have grown out of. Check here for more details.

*Craigslist~ This site is growing rapidly, it gives you the chance to resale and buy clothing to those in your local area. This makes it nice to make a meeting place at a local store or gas station.  Tons of people are looking to make a little quick and easy cash so they are putting things out there that they want sold NOW.

*Facebook~ This may be the hottest growing trend of late. There are small groups being created and popping all over the facebook world. Here you can list classified ads for items you are wanting to purchase or sell. This is another easy way to find local people selling clothing there children's clothing.

Consignment Sales~ For me these have been a goldmine! You go to 1 building and they have loads of gently used children's items. It is like one large yardsale, but the items have come from 100's of families so the options are endless. You can often find items that are still brand new and a small fraction of the price.  Check here for some listings in your area.
stock photo : Child clothing department
Resale Shops~ Locally we have one called Once Upon A Child. These are stores where you can take and sell your used clothing for pennies on the dollar and then they resale them for a small profit. These like consignment sales are usually very picky so you will find newer trends and alot of clothing in good-excellent condition.

Freecycle~Most areas have a freecycle forum where you can post wants/ iso(in search of). If you are local to me our group is a part of yahoo. As spring cleaning comes up many will be purging there home of unwanted/unneeded items and listing them free to whomever would pick up first. You can find some great finds for FREE here.

stock photo :  little girl jumps on a gray  background 
If you are meeting and individual person please always use discretion. I love to meet in a public place if it is not someone I know. Also, if you are from a smoke free and/or pet free home and are concerned about allergies with your children be sure to communicate that to the buyer before making arrangements. Pin It

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