Friday, March 2, 2012

Daily Challenge

So looking around today I was wondering what I should attempt to get done today. I have a teething crabby baby and a to do list as long as I am tall. However, as I looked around the one thing that stood out to me was my table. I have a small 4 foot table that I utilize to  pretty much organize my life it holds magazines, bills, my home management binder, and so much more.... Well right now it is holding a whole lot more! It is the spot when we come in the door with full hands the mail gets thrown on, or my family drops stuff off and sets it there(especially my father in law, God Bless him). So today that hot spot is a hot mess! Guess what today's challenge is... get that hot mess under control. So what flat surface in your house collects misc items. Take a few minutes to clean it up today.

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