I am Simply A Steward of my time, my money, my life. I have been blessed beyond measure and am hoping that I can bless others the same way. I am a Homeschooling, Ebay Selling, DIY Loving, Deal Finding, Organizing Mom of 4 who hopes to share some tips and tricks with others
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thankfulness Day #15
Today I am thankful for modern conveniences. I had quite a day yesterday and so I decided today I really needed to get somethings accomplished. I started this morning by throwing the painted clothes in the washing machine. After scrubbing them last night I let them soak through the night before using my washer to remove the last of the soil. Then I went on to making homemade applesauce. My grandmother stopped by shortly after I got everything in the crockpot and I mentioned doing it and she was in shock I did it in the crockpot, for in her day she had to spend long hours slaving over a stove to do such things. I also, managed to turn in important legal documents and do some Christmas shopping both via the Internet. Imagine there was a day where you weren't able to do things such as these from the convenience of your own home. As I am just starting dinner, my husband sent me a text message to hold off he would be late returning from work tonight. How nice it was not to have to sit and wait for him and eat cold food. Cellphones and particularly text messaging have made communication almost instantaneous and while it can be a annoying at times, it can be an amazing asset.
Thankfulness Day 13 &14
I will start by saying I did actually do these, they just never posted so I am combining and posting today:)
Day 13
Today I am thankful for my awesome children and the ability to spend time with them. I am in the childcare business and while I love it, my kids ALWAYS have to share there space, toys, and honestly if you ask them more importantly their mom. Sure there are fights over toys and such, but there are alot of times they want to climb on my lap and have me hold them and read to them, but I have to care for someone else who needs a diaper change, bottle, time out, etc. However, today we have no other kids visiting us and we are able to spend time together(even get out of the house!!! which is a big thing for us). I wouldn't change my life for anything, but I am thankful for the special moments I get to just hold them and nothing else matters or takes priority for that moment.
Day 14
Today I am thankful for my wonderful and loving husband. Of course there are days he drives me nuts or we don't see eye to eye, but honestly he is a good , loving, God-fearing man. I am so proud of who he is and that his family only takes the second to God and God alone.
I had a rough day today(life of a typical mom!). One of my daycare kids woke both my kids up early creating cranky kids on all fronts, then I swear it was a full moon or I was speaking a foreign language to them all day.I had issues with some things I was trying to accomplish during nap time, and the husband messaged me and said he was working late(praise the Lord for money, but ohh what a day I could have used him home). Only to get home and try to get something accomplished in our upstairs addition. We decided to do some spot painting while the girls played in the empty rooms with ride-ons. We have done it a million times before, but this time was a little different. Our 22 month old decided shed test out the paint and put her entire hand in the gallon of white paint and proceeded to put it all over the floor(the only finished floor upstairs!), as well as her black shirt and dark jeans(literally my favorite outfit). After a cry for help to my husband who forgot to mention he was leaving the room, we managed to get the mess cleaned up and finish the job. It doesn't sound so terrible(and isn't my means of measure), but I know there are moms out there who know what I mean with I say it was a million little things that went wrong that day and in the end my husband worked so hard just to make me smile. He didn't get frustrated or complain he had a long day too, he smiled and got the kids ready for bed so that I could sit and take a break. He ran and got me my medicine that I could have gotten myself, he gave me one of those endearing looks from across the room that says "I Love You", he did what he could to make me smile rough day or not. There are countless reasons as to why I am thankful for my husband and today was just one of them.
Day 13
Today I am thankful for my awesome children and the ability to spend time with them. I am in the childcare business and while I love it, my kids ALWAYS have to share there space, toys, and honestly if you ask them more importantly their mom. Sure there are fights over toys and such, but there are alot of times they want to climb on my lap and have me hold them and read to them, but I have to care for someone else who needs a diaper change, bottle, time out, etc. However, today we have no other kids visiting us and we are able to spend time together(even get out of the house!!! which is a big thing for us). I wouldn't change my life for anything, but I am thankful for the special moments I get to just hold them and nothing else matters or takes priority for that moment.
Day 14
Today I am thankful for my wonderful and loving husband. Of course there are days he drives me nuts or we don't see eye to eye, but honestly he is a good , loving, God-fearing man. I am so proud of who he is and that his family only takes the second to God and God alone.
I had a rough day today(life of a typical mom!). One of my daycare kids woke both my kids up early creating cranky kids on all fronts, then I swear it was a full moon or I was speaking a foreign language to them all day.I had issues with some things I was trying to accomplish during nap time, and the husband messaged me and said he was working late(praise the Lord for money, but ohh what a day I could have used him home). Only to get home and try to get something accomplished in our upstairs addition. We decided to do some spot painting while the girls played in the empty rooms with ride-ons. We have done it a million times before, but this time was a little different. Our 22 month old decided shed test out the paint and put her entire hand in the gallon of white paint and proceeded to put it all over the floor(the only finished floor upstairs!), as well as her black shirt and dark jeans(literally my favorite outfit). After a cry for help to my husband who forgot to mention he was leaving the room, we managed to get the mess cleaned up and finish the job. It doesn't sound so terrible(and isn't my means of measure), but I know there are moms out there who know what I mean with I say it was a million little things that went wrong that day and in the end my husband worked so hard just to make me smile. He didn't get frustrated or complain he had a long day too, he smiled and got the kids ready for bed so that I could sit and take a break. He ran and got me my medicine that I could have gotten myself, he gave me one of those endearing looks from across the room that says "I Love You", he did what he could to make me smile rough day or not. There are countless reasons as to why I am thankful for my husband and today was just one of them.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Thankfulness Day 8-12
WOW I am way further behind than I thought I was...time just seems to slip away from me some days and once it does I have a hard time gaining traction. However, I refuse to backslide a little and just give up so I'm here to catch up(and hopefully STAY caught up).
Day #8
Today, I am thankful for great friends. They are there to help when you need them, to pray for you when you can't seem to find your path, to share in your good times and your bad. Friends are amazing. I have been blessed with so many people from all walks of life. Friends from school that tho we may no longer keep in touch on a regular basis they have helped make me who I am today. Friends from previous work situations, some that have lasted and some that made a fantastic impression on me during that time period. Friends from church that couldn't be more supportive, who understand and are willing to lift me and my family up in prayer even when they don't know the circumstances. For my virtual friends(you know who you are BBC girls) who I can tell anything too. They are a sounding board for frustrations, a helping hand when I need it, and voice of reason when I can't figure out what to do. For all of you that I call friend(which is alot) I am thankful for you. You have helped make me who I am today.
Day #9
Today I am thankful for the weekend. Now don't get me wrong I love my work and am so thankful that I have the ability and opportunity to work. However, in a culture where everyone seems to be constantly trying to get ahead I love to remind myself that even GOD rested and that he values it as important. The weekends often are chock full of work at home as well, but we get to take a break from must-haves from others and the only must-have list is our own so if its not all accomplished no one is waiting with a hammer to smack us down. Weekends are amazing and I am so thankful that I have them to spend with my family.
Day #10
Today I am thankful for the opportunity to serve. At our church we have a rotating schedule where we volunteer to serve in different parts of the church. My husband and I have volunteered our time in the youngsters class on Saturday nights. It is awesome to be able to serve the Lord in a country where we are free to do so without hesitation. Its also, amazing to work with such children as they are still so innocent to the ways of the world.
Day #11
Today I am thankful for an amazing church. When I grew up I attended a separate church than I do now. I learned a ton,built friendships that would last a lifetime, and can tell you the countless fun times I can recall. However, as I grew and started to date/get engaged to my husband I felt like I was not spiritually growing outside of the teen program I once loved. My husband and I decided to look around for other churches where we felt we fit. We found an amazing church that we now call home. I'm so thankful that we had the opportunity to do so, and found such an awesome church. It really is a blessing as we have been able to grow both as individuals and together. Plus, we now have children that we are able to raise in a great family oriented church.
Day #12
Today I am thankful for those who risked there lives to defend my freedom. I know I have mentioned before that I feel like I have won the birthplace lottery and I have. The US is an amazing place and it is the courage of those men and women who allow us all to lay peacefully at night. I also, want to thank their families. Honestly, I know very well God has a plan for us all and I cold NEVER be a military wife. Those women are stronger than I could ever imagine. The families of our military may not be on the front line, but they sure fight a battle everyday and for that I am forever grateful.
Day #8
Today, I am thankful for great friends. They are there to help when you need them, to pray for you when you can't seem to find your path, to share in your good times and your bad. Friends are amazing. I have been blessed with so many people from all walks of life. Friends from school that tho we may no longer keep in touch on a regular basis they have helped make me who I am today. Friends from previous work situations, some that have lasted and some that made a fantastic impression on me during that time period. Friends from church that couldn't be more supportive, who understand and are willing to lift me and my family up in prayer even when they don't know the circumstances. For my virtual friends(you know who you are BBC girls) who I can tell anything too. They are a sounding board for frustrations, a helping hand when I need it, and voice of reason when I can't figure out what to do. For all of you that I call friend(which is alot) I am thankful for you. You have helped make me who I am today.
Day #9
Today I am thankful for the weekend. Now don't get me wrong I love my work and am so thankful that I have the ability and opportunity to work. However, in a culture where everyone seems to be constantly trying to get ahead I love to remind myself that even GOD rested and that he values it as important. The weekends often are chock full of work at home as well, but we get to take a break from must-haves from others and the only must-have list is our own so if its not all accomplished no one is waiting with a hammer to smack us down. Weekends are amazing and I am so thankful that I have them to spend with my family.
Day #10
Today I am thankful for the opportunity to serve. At our church we have a rotating schedule where we volunteer to serve in different parts of the church. My husband and I have volunteered our time in the youngsters class on Saturday nights. It is awesome to be able to serve the Lord in a country where we are free to do so without hesitation. Its also, amazing to work with such children as they are still so innocent to the ways of the world.
Day #11
Today I am thankful for an amazing church. When I grew up I attended a separate church than I do now. I learned a ton,built friendships that would last a lifetime, and can tell you the countless fun times I can recall. However, as I grew and started to date/get engaged to my husband I felt like I was not spiritually growing outside of the teen program I once loved. My husband and I decided to look around for other churches where we felt we fit. We found an amazing church that we now call home. I'm so thankful that we had the opportunity to do so, and found such an awesome church. It really is a blessing as we have been able to grow both as individuals and together. Plus, we now have children that we are able to raise in a great family oriented church.
Day #12
Today I am thankful for those who risked there lives to defend my freedom. I know I have mentioned before that I feel like I have won the birthplace lottery and I have. The US is an amazing place and it is the courage of those men and women who allow us all to lay peacefully at night. I also, want to thank their families. Honestly, I know very well God has a plan for us all and I cold NEVER be a military wife. Those women are stronger than I could ever imagine. The families of our military may not be on the front line, but they sure fight a battle everyday and for that I am forever grateful.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Thankfulness Day #7
Wow, ok I am going to admit I am having a hard time being thankful today. It isn't because I lack anything, I am so beyond blessed and have so many things to be thankful for. However, today I awoke to the disappointing news of the presidential election. It is 6 hours later and I am still sulking.... really I have a million and one things to be thankful for, but when I thought about what to post today, I just couldn't get over my down and out feeling. I simply decided that if I didn't do something, than I'd remain miserable and my misery would change nothing. I stole a few moments away in the bathroom(if your a mom in a house full of kids you understand you lucky if you get peace here) and just prayed for God to soften my heart and bring me out of my lousy mindset. Of course, our God is amazing and he is slowly melting my heart. So today as I sit here I am thankful that God knows our future and that he is here to walk beside us. I praise him that life on this earth is only a finality to our physical body, but not our spirit. Mostly I am thankful because though we chose our leaders collectively,we are willed freely to individually chose our eternity. I chose God and for the freedom to do so I am forever thankful!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Thankfulness ~ Day #6
Ok, if you are alive and breathing you are probably ready for the election to be over. The commercials, the phone calls, the junk mail...... I know I sure am. Regardless though, I will be heading out this morning to the polls to vote. I am so thankful today that I have the right to do so. I always say I won the birth right lottery and in so many ways. This is one I was born in a country that is a democracy, were I can at least attempt to change out future without facing jail or death. I am also, thankful for those who did fight and for those who have lost there lives preserving my right to vote. So, today exercise your right as it is a blessing to have. Get out there and vote no matter whom its for.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Thankfulness~ Day #5
Each day I am so happy to truly stop and remember why I am thankful, and even more to share the blessing with others. Recently, my husband and I have decided to make some changes. We spent much time in prayer and seeking guidance of fellow Christians. While we are sure we have decided the correct path to follow God's will, I have been overly anxious about those involved will react. This morning I was doing my bible study and found a fantastic passage of scripture in Nehemiah. The devotion around it suggested prayer for those on the receiving end of changes. I immediately began to follow through and pray for those involved with the situation. I was granted peace and actually excitement about the changes. (which if we are following God's will, we should be excited!). So, today I am thankful for scripture and the ability to freely study God's word. I am thankful for my peace and mostly I am thankful that God has revealed this passage to me.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Thankfulness~Day 3 and 4
Ok, so yesterday was a very busy day and I never ended up being able to post so making up for it this morning.
Day 3
Today we spent the day trick or treating with our girls. We ran from house to house(in the car) as we visited family and then off to church for trunk or treat. We returned home for naps/dinner and then back to church for services. Our pastor has been doing a segment on "The Beatitudes" which I thought was wonderful and would be my thankful point for the day. Then at the end of service they mentioned some papers they had printed and supplied in the foyer of the church. The papers were all about the presidential candidates, what they support and oppose. No opinions just the facts, but this came from the Christian Coalition. I went home and checked out the site and it had more information on our State Congress and Senate candidates. I was thrilled as you hear much through mail and TV on them, but never a debate with the issues. I was happy to get a clear cut support/oppose stance on them(from their sites) that helped to make my decision. So today I am thankful for the people who took the time to visit each site and compile the lists. I'm also, thankful for those who decided to print and share it with me. Mostly I am thankful to now make a more educated vote on our Congress/Senate seats.
Day 4
This is Daylight Savings weekend. Saturday to Sunday should be when we gain a glorious hour of sleep, which for most of us is much needed. However, if you ar ea prent you likely know that this weekend is for those that don't have small children. Our young kids minds/bodies don't understand nor care that we should all still be in bed. For this reason we started our day at 430 am today, but today I am thankful for a wonderful husband. Yesterday I was up early with the girls as well and kept them quiet so he was able to catch up on some much needed sleep from the long work week. Well, today he decided to return the favor so at 6am when I started to dose off he graciously took over with our girls and let me catch some shut-eye. I am thankful for the extra rest as well as a husband who is willing to the carry the workload (aka play with the girls) so that I can recieve it.
Hope you all have a blessed and thankful day!!!
Day 3
Today we spent the day trick or treating with our girls. We ran from house to house(in the car) as we visited family and then off to church for trunk or treat. We returned home for naps/dinner and then back to church for services. Our pastor has been doing a segment on "The Beatitudes" which I thought was wonderful and would be my thankful point for the day. Then at the end of service they mentioned some papers they had printed and supplied in the foyer of the church. The papers were all about the presidential candidates, what they support and oppose. No opinions just the facts, but this came from the Christian Coalition. I went home and checked out the site and it had more information on our State Congress and Senate candidates. I was thrilled as you hear much through mail and TV on them, but never a debate with the issues. I was happy to get a clear cut support/oppose stance on them(from their sites) that helped to make my decision. So today I am thankful for the people who took the time to visit each site and compile the lists. I'm also, thankful for those who decided to print and share it with me. Mostly I am thankful to now make a more educated vote on our Congress/Senate seats.
Day 4
This is Daylight Savings weekend. Saturday to Sunday should be when we gain a glorious hour of sleep, which for most of us is much needed. However, if you ar ea prent you likely know that this weekend is for those that don't have small children. Our young kids minds/bodies don't understand nor care that we should all still be in bed. For this reason we started our day at 430 am today, but today I am thankful for a wonderful husband. Yesterday I was up early with the girls as well and kept them quiet so he was able to catch up on some much needed sleep from the long work week. Well, today he decided to return the favor so at 6am when I started to dose off he graciously took over with our girls and let me catch some shut-eye. I am thankful for the extra rest as well as a husband who is willing to the carry the workload (aka play with the girls) so that I can recieve it.
Hope you all have a blessed and thankful day!!!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thankfulness Day #2
As I sit here quietly(well almost anyway) I reflect on how many things I truly have to be thankful for. I have a friend from NJ who was excited to find a gas station with gas today and is still struggling to find a hotel that is will allow her to bring her furry family member since vacancy's are few. I think of how my husband is working late, but how many women have there husbands out there who are overseas and don't come home at night, or those who's husbands can't find work. Surely I have been blessed in so many ways that are overlooked daily, but today.... Today I am thankful for the sunshine!!!! With hurricane Sandy we have been so fortunate. We have not lost our homes, been displaced because of power, or any such matter. We simply have had trick or treating postponed(life-changing event right?!?), but we have been without the beautiful sunshine for days now. While our circumstances are so much better than many it has been dark, dreary, and rainy outside.... So while that is not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things I do love sunshine and am so thankful that it is here today brightening up the sky and my day.
What are you thankful for today???
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Thankfulness~ Day 1
I love November! I am a shopper, so Black Friday is always fun for me. I'm also a hunter and hunting season begins. Also, I really LOVE that every November I see people(including myself) reflecting on their lives and remembering to be thankful for what they have. We seem to go 11 months of the year being thankful, but forgetting to really proclaim how blessed we are. This month I'd really like to remember to do that myself, so I plan to share that with you.
Today is Day 1 and I woke up exhausted after being up with my teething toddler last night. As I got ready for my day I was increasingly lacking motivation. Usually, I try to be supermom(which no one is, but we try right?) I try to home school my preschooler, maintain my house, teach my toddler manners and language skills. I also, try to have dinner prepared for my husband,read my bible, and so much more. If you are a mom you know this list goes on and on. I thought to myself today. I have no need to be super mom. I can just be mom and no one will perish. So, that I did. I did make some much needed list, do some lesson planning, read to the kids,throw a load of laundry in, but I did it all in lounge clothes hanging in the comfort of my living room. Today I am utterly grateful that I am able to work at home and be with my kids. I am thankful that on a crazy day I don't have to be super-mom, mom will do just fine and most of all I'm thankful that Jesus is my Savior.
Today is Day 1 and I woke up exhausted after being up with my teething toddler last night. As I got ready for my day I was increasingly lacking motivation. Usually, I try to be supermom(which no one is, but we try right?) I try to home school my preschooler, maintain my house, teach my toddler manners and language skills. I also, try to have dinner prepared for my husband,read my bible, and so much more. If you are a mom you know this list goes on and on. I thought to myself today. I have no need to be super mom. I can just be mom and no one will perish. So, that I did. I did make some much needed list, do some lesson planning, read to the kids,throw a load of laundry in, but I did it all in lounge clothes hanging in the comfort of my living room. Today I am utterly grateful that I am able to work at home and be with my kids. I am thankful that on a crazy day I don't have to be super-mom, mom will do just fine and most of all I'm thankful that Jesus is my Savior.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Pampers Gifts to Grow~ 10 Point Code
Trick or Treat? How about a treat!
Here's a 10 pt. Gifts to Grow code FBHA012PR46DY12 . This code is valid from 10/31/12 – 11/6/12 at 11:59pm CT. So be sure to head over and enter it at Pampers Gifts To Grow.

Here's a 10 pt. Gifts to Grow code FBHA012PR46DY12 . This code is valid from 10/31/12 – 11/6/12 at 11:59pm CT. So be sure to head over and enter it at Pampers Gifts To Grow.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Mommy Alert~ RECALL

If you have small children you probably recognize this though it may look a little different than the one currently in your home. This is the all amazing bumbo seat. I have one and truly love it. However, they have been recalled as of today. Personally I think it is somewhat silly, but there are always people who lack common sense with these things and so making it into a larger issue.
These seats are not for raised surfaces, meaning they are not to be placed on things like tabletops or counters. Due to a number of parents, caregivers, guardians deciding to do this several children have been injured by tipping or falling out of the seat. So the company has decided to issue a voluntary recall.
If you own one of these items this is what they say to do. "Order the free repair kit by visiting www.recall.BumboUSA.com or calling (866) 898-4999 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CT Monday through Thursday and between 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. CT on Friday. Do not return the Bumbo seat to retailers as they will not be able to provide the repair kit."
You can also read for more information here.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Mommy Gadgets to Save $$ and Time
I love my quesadilla maker!!! Back in 2007 when my husband and I got married we did the typical wedding registry. We hit a few major retail stores and made an ongoing list of all the items that would be wonderful to have as we were starting our life in a new home together. I had worked in a restaurant at the time and loved chicken quesadillas so it was on the top of our kitchenware's list. Little did I realize back then how much time and money this gadget would save me when I became a mom.
Why I love this as a mom... because you can throw anything in a quesadilla and make it yummy. For instance my kids love pizza. They would eat it morning, noon, and night if it was offered so for lunches I can throw in some pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese. I can even add pepperoni on half for my older daughter. A makeshift pizza in minutes... both mom and kids are happy.
It makes meals easy to individualize. Everyones quesadilla is made separately.This means unlike a casserole everyone can choose to add or eliminate different ingredients based on their personal tastes. Have a kid who hates onions even though dad loves them, not a problem with this dinner. This fact alone means the issue of, throwing food away because your child is dead set on not eating it, is done. (saving money)
Another money saving tip is you can use leftovers of whatever you have, add it in and dinner is served. Below you will see a quick example. We had bacon left over from breakfast for dinner earlier in the week. Also,we had a left over chicken breast from another night. Chopping up both I threw it in with a little cheese and 10 minutes later we were all eating.
The fact that it only took 10 minutes to make 3 quesadillas may be my favorite factor. This machine heats up in a few minutes creating a quick meal. Better yet it is a non-stick surface so clean up is quick, only a few minutes to wipe down after dinner.
Lastly, but certainly not my least favorite about this is the quesadilla "hides" what is inside. This means my picky toddler can't whine that something "green" is in her dinner. It makes it easy to dice veggies and add them discreetly. Out of sight out of mind:)
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Leapster Games 2/$10 (Regularly $24.99 each!!!!)

Toys R Us is offering 2 Leapster Games for $5 today 7/21. I stopped last night at my local store and found this deal going on. It was a 2 day deal so if you know a child who likes to play leapster this is a great deal!!! These games are usually $24.99 each and yesterday I bought 4 for $20! This is in store or online, but online will have shipping charges attached. If you purchase online don't forget to shop through Ebates for a little cashback savings.
Note* If you are new to Ebates you will recieve a"thank you" gift card wen you complete your first purchase. This site is FREE to users so why not get a little money back with your online shopping.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Cheap Date Night/ Family Night~ Pizza & Bowling for 2 $12
Choose from Three Options
- $12 for two hours of bowling for two with shoe rental, a medium pizza, and a pitcher of soda (up to a $36 value)
- $22 for two hours of bowling for four with shoe rental, a large pizza, and a pitcher of soda (up to a $64 value)
- $33 for two hours of bowling for six with shoe rental, a large pizza, and a pitcher of soda (up to an $88 value)
Just head over here to get yours now.
Toddler Meal Ideas
Chef BoyRDee and Apple Slices |
Mac & Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, and Watermelon |
So often I have moms ask me what do you do for lunch? They tell me they feel like their kids eat PB&J all the time. Well, I will say my kids WON'T eat PB&J so I have had to come up with other lunch options. ( I know weird right?)
As the mom of an 18 month and 3.5 year old I have come up with some things that are fairly cheap and easy to make. Here are some ideas for moms out there who are ready for some variety. I usually serve 1 "main dish" and 1-2 "side dishes"
Main Dish
Chicken Nuggets
Mac & Cheese
Chef BoyRDee ( many options and I always do cans much better price)
Eggs & Toast
Cheese & Crackers
Hummus & Crackers
Grilled Cheese
Pizza Burgers (pizza sauce on a bagel with cheese and put in the toaster oven to heat/melt)
Ramen Noodles or other soup
Salad with left over Chicken
Hot Dogs
Tuna or Hamburger Helper
Tuna in a Wheat Wrap sprinkled with Cheese
Pizza Grilled Cheese(make grilled cheese, but add pizza sauce)
Tuna Melt(Grilled Cheese with Tuna in the middle- my kids love tuna)
Side Dishes
String Cheese
Fruit(remember to buy based on the season in the winter my kids eat alot of canned opposed to fresh fruit)
Raw Veggies & dressing
Fruit Smoothie
I know I must be forgetting some as I am currently suffering from prego brain, but these are some ideas to start you out. What things have you been making for your kids at lunch?
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Good Morning
Each day is a blessing, but as a mom and wife we can all get a little down and burnt out. I hope I am not the only mom who has mornings that I hit the snooze button or skip my workout because my to do list is just way to long. Sometimes, I'm in such a funk and I just can't get into my "mommy routine"
Well I wanted to share the song that I have been starting my day with everyday for the past few weeks. It really has lifted my spirits. I downloaded it to my ipod so that I can listen to it when I need a 5 minute mommy break. It such an uplifting song that ,even though I lacked sleep last night, instead of dragging myself to the coffee pot this morning I found myself dancing in the living room with my little one.
Well I wanted to share the song that I have been starting my day with everyday for the past few weeks. It really has lifted my spirits. I downloaded it to my ipod so that I can listen to it when I need a 5 minute mommy break. It such an uplifting song that ,even though I lacked sleep last night, instead of dragging myself to the coffee pot this morning I found myself dancing in the living room with my little one.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Target Daily Deal~ Yoga Pants $10+FREE SHIPPING!

As a stay at home mom. I tend to wear these all the time. They are so comfortable when you are chasing after kids, crawling on the floor, and riding down the slide. Right now you can head over to Target and purchase them for $10. This a steal if you like to wear these. I typically only find this price on Black Friday so if you like Yoga Pants like I do head on over. Also, I know shipping can kill a good deal, but no fear today you can get them shipped free also. Don't forget to shop through Ebates for additional cashback savings.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
FREE Starbucks

Starbucks is offering a free HOT tall beverage today July 4th to all customers as a way to spark conversation. Head over here or here to check it out.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Sunday Coupon Preview
I am having a super busy weekend, how about you? In the midst of it all I wanted to stop by and let you know that you can expect to recieve a P & G insert in your paper today. There are select areas that recive the P & G regularly in their midweek paper. If you typically recieve it nedweek you will likely ecieve it midweek this week also.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
My New Storage Room
So those of you who know me, know that my husband and I are huge Dave Ramsey fans. This means as a stay at home mom it is my job to stretch every penny that my wonderful other half works so hard for. Because we pay for everything with cash my kids are very accustomed to second hand clothes. I love the thrill of finding a great deal by searching garage sales, consignment sales, clearance racks, and occastional friend hand me downs. Over time my storage bins have become filled with fantastic bargains. My oldest is three and yet I have her outfited for size 4s already at fraction of the cost. My clothing budget has greatly decreased with this method because I only have to fill in the gaps at local department stores.
These bargins have helped to shrink my budget as well as the storage space in my home. However, a year ago my husband and I embarked on a fantastic journey by putting an addition on our home. Again because we do things in cash this has been a crazy and sometimes stressful ride. We are doing much of the work ourselves and have become almost professional DIYers. When we began our expansion we took alot of time to plan out our space and how it would best suit our family. The gentleman did our blueprints had drawn us in a "sitting room" and while it would have been beautiful it would not have been practical for a home full of kids. We decided to do some moving of walls and building a storage room for all my clothing totes!
I LOVE this room and it really has my blood, sweat, and tears in it since I have done everything since the walls were just studs. Here are some pictures of it.
Though I still have some tweaking to do I could not be more happy of the way in turned out. Each tote is easy to find. When my daughter outgrows her current size I got get the tote for that size and empty her drawers. Then I retrieve the next size up and refill her drawers. There is no panic or stress that my child needs new clothes and that they are not in the budget. Also, works perfects since I have 2 girls. Hand me down storage is built in.
For anyone intersted the shelving was purchased at Home Depot.
These bargins have helped to shrink my budget as well as the storage space in my home. However, a year ago my husband and I embarked on a fantastic journey by putting an addition on our home. Again because we do things in cash this has been a crazy and sometimes stressful ride. We are doing much of the work ourselves and have become almost professional DIYers. When we began our expansion we took alot of time to plan out our space and how it would best suit our family. The gentleman did our blueprints had drawn us in a "sitting room" and while it would have been beautiful it would not have been practical for a home full of kids. We decided to do some moving of walls and building a storage room for all my clothing totes!
I LOVE this room and it really has my blood, sweat, and tears in it since I have done everything since the walls were just studs. Here are some pictures of it.
Though I still have some tweaking to do I could not be more happy of the way in turned out. Each tote is easy to find. When my daughter outgrows her current size I got get the tote for that size and empty her drawers. Then I retrieve the next size up and refill her drawers. There is no panic or stress that my child needs new clothes and that they are not in the budget. Also, works perfects since I have 2 girls. Hand me down storage is built in.
For anyone intersted the shelving was purchased at Home Depot.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
DMR~ Free 50 Point Code

Disney Movie Rewards currently has several more free codes out. Head here to log into your account and enter : M1D17NF74NDA
If you aren't a member yet, but love Disney today is a great time to start. Simply register an account and each time you purchase a new Disney movie or head to the theater to view a Disney show you can earn points that you can use to cash out for toys, gift cards and more.
The Cost Of Kids
I would like to prelude this by saying that I did NOT write this myself. However, the author is unknown to me, but another very special mom shared this with me when my oldest daughter was a baby and I just loved it so much that it has hung on my refrigerator ever since. I was reading it again today and thought it would be nice to share.
The Cost Of Kids
It seems that many try to breakdown the cost of raising a child from birth to 18. They came up with $160,140 for a middle income family. Talk about sticker shock!!! That does not include college tuition. But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down: $8,896.66/year, $741.38/month and only $24.37/day!!! Just over a dollar an hour... and still some may think that the best financial advice is to never have children if you want to be rich!
Its really just the opposite... Look at what you get for you $160,140.
Naming rights. First, middle, and last!
Glimpses of God every day
Giggles under the covers every night
More love than your heart can hold
Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs
A hand to hold, usually covered with jam
A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites, building sand castles, and skipping down sidewalks in the pouring rain.
Someone to laugh yourself silly with no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day
For $160,140, you never have to grow up
You get to finger-paint, carve pumpkins, play hide-and-seek, catch lightning bugs, and never stop believing in Santa Claus
You have an excuse to keep :reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh, watching Saturday morning cartoons, going to Disney movies, and wishing on stars.
You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backwards letters for Father's Day.
For $160,140, there is no greater bang for your buck
You get to be a hero just for retrieving a Frisbee of the garage roof, taking the training wheels off the bike, removing a splinter, filling a wading pool, coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and coaching a baseball team that never wins but always get treated to ice cream regardless
You get a front row seat to history to witness the first step, first word, first bra, first date, and first time behind the wheel.
You will be immortal
You get another branch added to your family tree and if your lucky, a long list of limbs to your obituary called grandchildren.
You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.
In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there with God
You have the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits, so one day they will, like you love without counting the cost
Cherish the moments, time is so fleeting.
Pinspired~ Fine Motor Skills for Toddlers and Preschoolers
I have had the joy of staying home with my girls this week and have been looking for some neat activities to do with them. I remembered a few months back I had found an idea involving pipe cleaners and strainer for my preschooler. I picked up some pipe cleaners last week(Jo Ann fabrics by the way couldn't find them at regular mass merchandise stores such as Kmart and Target).
Here is my preschooler placing both sides of a pipe cleaner through the holes of the strainer. She absolutely loved it and thought it was so much fun (as I truly believe learning should be).I also asked her colors as she was putting them in so we could practice those.
I don't know how many of you have multiple children, but we have 2 girls and my younger daughter always wants to do what her sister is doing. She is 16 months old so I took a smaller bowl and a few pipe cleaners and gave them to her to use. You will notice the bowl she is using has narrow long slits opposed to small individual holes. This bowl worked great as it gave her more "wiggle room" to put her pipe cleaner through. She was unable to use her sisters bowl when she tried at the end but had no problem with this smaller one(for me it was the bowl out of my Pampered Chef Berry Spinner).
This is a simple $1-$2 activity that teaches your children while keeping them busy. My kids loved this idea and I just straightened the pipe cleaners out so we can use them again on another day.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
FREE Edy's Ice Cream

Edy's is offering us a reason to smile. They are currently offering up 25,000 FREE cups of Edy's ice cream. Head over here to sign up and receive yours by snail mail. Hurry I'm sure these will go fast!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Free Clothing! ~ Today Only!!!

Sears Outlet is at it again. Today, Tuesday 6/12 , they are offering up another piece of FREE apparel. You must be a Shop Your Way Rewards member to participate. This offer is only valid at Sears Outlets not Sears stores. Head over here to check out further details.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Too Good Not To Share

I saw this and thought how true it can be. For me it is especially true when it comes to those moments involving my kids. Just had to share
Free Pampers 5 Point Code & Disney Movie Rewards 25 Point Code

Disney Movie Rewards has offered up a free code today. Simply head over here and enter U13PEKSZZD to score an additional 25 points in your account.
If you are new to DMR you can recieve points from buying or watching Disney movies in the theaters. Then cash in those points for cool prizes like giftcards, movies, and more. You also are eligible to recieve special offers, for instance I recieved an offer a couple months ago that I was able to pay only shipping for a select few movies. I chose Tinkerbell as it was my daughters favorite and used it in her Easter basket. It only cost me $2.95! Best of all sign up is FREE, so head on over here and start your account today

Today is a great day for codes. Right now you can also head over to Pampers Gifts To Grow and enter TWIT39SUNXTYS12 for an additional 5 points in your account. Cash these points in for free shutterfly, toys, gift cards, and more.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Sunday Coupon Preview
Tomorrow, Sunday 6/10, you would expect to receive 2 inserts in your paper. We are scheduled to receive a Smart Source as well as Red Plum insert.
Please do remember that if you receive the Red Plum in your midweek mail you will not be receiving one in your Sunday paper. Happy Weekend:)
Please do remember that if you receive the Red Plum in your midweek mail you will not be receiving one in your Sunday paper. Happy Weekend:)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Free Disney Family Fun Magazine~ Hurry Quantities are Limited

Right now head over here for your FREE Disney Fun Family Magazine. Yes you read right FREE however it is limited to the first 10,000 so hurry over now.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Free Personalized Father's Day Card



Cardstore.com is offering another FREE card shipped free. Head over here and choose a Father's Day card to personalize. At checkout enter the promo code LUVDAD2. You can choose to have the card shipped to you or sent to the recipient free of charge.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hot Coupon Alert

Right now Birdseye wants to thank you for your support. They have reached 100,000 fans on facebook and are showing their appreciation by sharing a $1.50/1 coupon with us. Head here to print yours today.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Gerber Coupons





For those of you who have wee little ones at home you will be excited to see some of these coupons. Gerber tends to be a household name for those with babies in the home, but coupons for these products are fewer than plenty. Right now you can head here to print several coupons for the Gerber products you use.
Sunday Coupon Preview
I just wanted to put a reminder out there that tomorrow, Sunday May 27th, there will no coupons in your paper. If you are like me and only get the paper for the coupon inserts I don't want you to be disappointed so I wanted to give you a warning. Take the weekend off no coupon clipping and enjoy your family.
Friday, May 25, 2012
$1 Smoothies & Frappes

This weekend Burger King will be offering $1 Smoothies and Frappes. Even better there is no coupon needed, so just stop by while you are out. Head here to check out further details or participating locations.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Pampers Gifts to Grow~ 10 Point Code

Pampers Gifts To Grow has put out a new free 10 point code. Head over here and enter MARSPRNL12SPLDX to your account. If you are a new member you will also recieve 100 points just for joining!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Sunday Coupon Preview
Good Morning! I hope you all are having a swell weekend. For those of you whom are headed out to purchase a paper this morning or who are contemplating it I wanted to share that you should be expecting 2 coupon inserts this weekend. We are scheduled to receive a Red Plum as well as a Smart Source. As always those of you who receive the the Red Plum in your midweek mail you will only be receiving a Smart Source insert today.
Also, I wanted to give those of you whom only buy the paper because of coupons(like me) that next weekend there will be NO COUPONS due to the holiday weekend. So take a break and enjoy some extra holdiay fun with your family.
Also, I wanted to give those of you whom only buy the paper because of coupons(like me) that next weekend there will be NO COUPONS due to the holiday weekend. So take a break and enjoy some extra holdiay fun with your family.
Friday, May 18, 2012
How To Miss Childhood
You will probably notice I have been kind of absent in my blogging lately as things have got overwhelmingly busy at home. As a mom we where so many hats and juggle so many tasks/jobs both in and out of the home. We are tied up in so many things that sometimes it is hard to find a balance and sometimes one thing must slide to let another succeed. This has been the season I have been in recently as we had a large project with a small time frame to accompany it on our home the last 2 weeks along with some sickness and a holiday weekend to wrap it up.
When life throws an extra ball I am happy and sad to say that my job of blogging is the ball I drop. I felt really bad about this until I read an article recently and it hit home. I am glad that it is my blogging and not my family that lacks my focus and attention. This article was about missing out on our children's moments because of technological world we live it. I really think it is an amazing read and worth 5 minutes of your time because it will change your life in someway either big or small. For me it brought a few realizations as well as lifted the guilt I felt about limiting my online time in order to meet my families needs and wishes.
Head here to read "How To Miss Childhood"
When life throws an extra ball I am happy and sad to say that my job of blogging is the ball I drop. I felt really bad about this until I read an article recently and it hit home. I am glad that it is my blogging and not my family that lacks my focus and attention. This article was about missing out on our children's moments because of technological world we live it. I really think it is an amazing read and worth 5 minutes of your time because it will change your life in someway either big or small. For me it brought a few realizations as well as lifted the guilt I felt about limiting my online time in order to meet my families needs and wishes.
Head here to read "How To Miss Childhood"
FREE Personalized Card

Right now you can score a FREE card from Treat.com + FREE shipping. Simply head over and create a card then at checkout enter the code FREETREAT. You will be asked to enter your card info, but your card WILL NOT be charged. I did these deals earlier this year and ordered all of my Mother's Day cards FREE, now plan to do the same for Father's Day:). Remember this is once per account.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Free Redbox Code

I love holidays, but I am also about celebrating them without breaking them bank so this makes me very excited. Today only Redbox is offering a free code in honor of Mother's Day. Head here to check it out. Remember this is 1 free code per account.
Sunday Coupon Preview
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. In case you are debating on whether to pick up a paper today I would recommend it. We are scheduled to receive 3 inserts today, 1 Smart Source, 1 Red Plum, and 1 P&G. Do remember if you are in an area where you receive the Red Plum in your mid-week mail like I do, it will not be included in today's edition.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Stamp Out Hunger~ MAY 12

Have you cleaned out your stockpile lately? Do you have a little extra cash in your grocery budget this month? In our family our budget is small, but couponing allows me to help others who do not have the blessings we have.
On Saturday, May 12th, the Stamp Out Hunger campaign will celebrate it’s 20th year of collection!
If you have it in your budget to get a few extra items or maybe you have some extras in your stockpile that you can just live without, then bag them up and leave them for your postal carrier this Saturday. All items should be non-perishable and will be donated to your local food bank. What a way to use your gifts either financial or savvy shopping talent to help those in your community.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Free Apparel Tuesday

Sears has done it again! Right now you can head over here to print your coupon for a Free Article of Clothing. This coupon is good only at Sears Outlet stores and valid for one day only today 5/8. If you are local to me remember there is a Sears Outlet in Monroeville. I'm thinking of heading out later myself. Hope you score something sweet for you or the family:)
Also, remember you must be a Shop Your Way Rewards Member to take advantage of this so if your not click above and sign up.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Payless~ $5 off $5 or More + Free Shipping= $.99 Sunglasses, $4.99 Shoes, and More!!!
Right now Payless ShoeSource is offering a $5 code good on any order $5 or more. There is tons to chose from! I noticed several kids shoes starting at $9.99 and women's sunglasses at $7.99. I scored these cute princess sunglasses for my daughter for just $.99. ( just in time as she lost hers this week!)
Friday, May 4, 2012
Hot Coupon Alert

Right now there is a $.50/1 Pop Tart Coupon out. I am so excited as our region typically gets coupons for $1/3 packs of Poptarts and these are some of my husbands favorites. Remember if you grocer doubles like mine does this will make for a very sweet deal. Head over and print yours now because I'm sure they will run out of prints fast!
Starbucks Happy Hour

I cannot wait to hit up this deal as anyone who knows me knows I love Frappuccino's. Starting today May 4-May 13, Starbucks is offering half price Frappuccino's between the hours of 3 and 5pm. Enjoy your Frappuccino Happy Hour.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
SWAGBUCKS~ Double Bucks

My store starts their sales ad on Thursday so today I got online to print coupons so that I could go shop later this evening and purchase some of my favorite sales. Well, as we know Swagbucks offers 10 bucks for each coupon you redeem so I often print there. When I went in to print today they had a banner sharing that for every coupon you redeem in the month of May you will earn double bucks. That's 20 bucks a coupon so only 23 coupons will give you a $5 Amazon gift card!!! If you haven't signed up yet what are you waiting on? Go here and sign up today to start earning FREE money.
Free $25 Coupon Book( Available Again!)

CurrentlyHome Made Simple is offering a coupon booklet containing over $25 worth of coupons for P&G products. Head over here to register and request your FREE booklet today. These coupons often pair really well with spring cleaning sales.
Daily Challenge~ Spring Challenge #22 & #23(Day of Prayer)
Spring Cleaning Challenge #22
Well ,yesterday I did my challenge, but realized I didn't post it so today I am posting it along with the current challenge. For those of you who coupon you likely have a small stockpile of things, some larger than others. What I have realized over the years is occasionally you need to clean out your stockpile so that you don't have things expire. I would much rather donate something than trash it later. I like most of you try not to overbuy, but sometimes our tastes change or we buy a few of something and we decide we don't like it. For instance my husband asked me to get him Swiss cake rolls for his lunch. I bought him 2 boxes, he ate 1 and decided he was going to cut out some sugar from his diet. Why let them sit their until they expire when I can donate them to a missions group or the local food bank? Clean out your pantry today and see what you can share with those less fortunate.
Challenge #23~ Day of Prayer
As I got on facebook this morning I had a great reminder from a lovely woman that today is the National Day of Prayer for Our Country and it's Leaders. I find it so easy for people to get caught up arguing over politics from decisions to the President, etc. I will be the first to say I did not personally vote for Obama. However, the fact remains he is our President and we should pray that the Lord lead him and other members of government in the right direction. Please join me today and challenge yourself to pay for our government and the they are open to God's agenda not their own.
Well ,yesterday I did my challenge, but realized I didn't post it so today I am posting it along with the current challenge. For those of you who coupon you likely have a small stockpile of things, some larger than others. What I have realized over the years is occasionally you need to clean out your stockpile so that you don't have things expire. I would much rather donate something than trash it later. I like most of you try not to overbuy, but sometimes our tastes change or we buy a few of something and we decide we don't like it. For instance my husband asked me to get him Swiss cake rolls for his lunch. I bought him 2 boxes, he ate 1 and decided he was going to cut out some sugar from his diet. Why let them sit their until they expire when I can donate them to a missions group or the local food bank? Clean out your pantry today and see what you can share with those less fortunate.
Challenge #23~ Day of Prayer
As I got on facebook this morning I had a great reminder from a lovely woman that today is the National Day of Prayer for Our Country and it's Leaders. I find it so easy for people to get caught up arguing over politics from decisions to the President, etc. I will be the first to say I did not personally vote for Obama. However, the fact remains he is our President and we should pray that the Lord lead him and other members of government in the right direction. Please join me today and challenge yourself to pay for our government and the they are open to God's agenda not their own.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Daily Challenge~ Coupon Clean
Today is the first day of a new month and a new quarter. This means lots of coupons have expired. Today is a great day to sort through and discard those coupons you have not used. I will be working on a post later to inform you how to share your expired coupons with our military personal.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Pampers Gifts To Grow~ 10 Point Code

Pampers Gifts To Grow has put out a new free 10 point code. Head over here and enter FB4CHILD23DAY12 to your account. If you are a new member you will also recieve 100 points just for joining!
Daily Challenge~ Catch Up Day
Can you believe tomorrow is the beginning of MAY?!?!!? I sure can't. It is hard to believe that Winter/Spring will soon be in the past and summer is approaching so fast.
If you are like me and have lost track of time as it seems to be flying by than you will like today's challenge. Today is all about catching up. Are there Spring Challenges you were just to busy to do? Is your budget ready for the upcoming month? How about your May calender is it updated? Are your April goals accomplished or May goals started? We all know that there are just times when there are not enough hours in a day so we must choose what things get left undone. Use today to catch up and get a fresh start tomorrow as May begins:)
If you are like me and have lost track of time as it seems to be flying by than you will like today's challenge. Today is all about catching up. Are there Spring Challenges you were just to busy to do? Is your budget ready for the upcoming month? How about your May calender is it updated? Are your April goals accomplished or May goals started? We all know that there are just times when there are not enough hours in a day so we must choose what things get left undone. Use today to catch up and get a fresh start tomorrow as May begins:)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Sunday Coupon Preview
Wow, if you plan to get the paper this weekend you may have thought you hit the jackpot. We are scheduled to get 4 yes 4 inserts this weekend. We are to get a Smart Source, Red Plum, P & G, and a Pepsi Co insert. I personally am very excited to get my paper tomorrow morning. Please remember if you live in an area where the Red Plum is delivered in your midweek paper you will not receive it in your Sunday paper. Happy Clipping:)!
Daily Challenge~ Family
Well as many of you know my husband and I have taken on a huge task over the past year. In January 2011 we had our second little blessing and while babies are amazing and wonderful they are also alot of work(if you are a mommy I'm sure you can relate). While adjusting to the changes in May 2011 we decided to rip off the roof of our ranch style home and make it a 2 story home. This has been very exciting, but coupled with the new baby a boat load of work. We have chosen to do much of the work ourselves and while that saves us money it steals our time away.
Around Christmas time my wonderful husband and I discussed how we need to cherish the moments we have with our little ones because before we know it they will be grown and gone. So as we set back then we decided to take 1 day a month and do something special with our girls and today is that day. I was talking yesterday an realized we haven't stuck to our goal for April and it is nearly over. Do you have so many things on your plate that sometimes you forget to step back and enjoy the time you've been given with the ones you love? Take some time today and do something special with someone you care about. Go visit your grandmother in the nursing home, have a movie date on the couch with your hubby after the kids go to bed, or take your kids for ice cream tonight after your home cooked meal. Do something special with those you love this weekend.
Around Christmas time my wonderful husband and I discussed how we need to cherish the moments we have with our little ones because before we know it they will be grown and gone. So as we set back then we decided to take 1 day a month and do something special with our girls and today is that day. I was talking yesterday an realized we haven't stuck to our goal for April and it is nearly over. Do you have so many things on your plate that sometimes you forget to step back and enjoy the time you've been given with the ones you love? Take some time today and do something special with someone you care about. Go visit your grandmother in the nursing home, have a movie date on the couch with your hubby after the kids go to bed, or take your kids for ice cream tonight after your home cooked meal. Do something special with those you love this weekend.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Daily Challenge~ Love Letter
I want to start this by saying if you have a hard time with death please be aware it is mentioned here though not graphic.
Over the course of the past roughly 2 months we have lost 6 friends, neighbors, and family members. Though none of these are from our immediate family I believe death of those you know touches you. Each person deals with it a different way for me it usually makes me pause and reexamine my everyday living. It is so easy to get caught up in doing your everyday routines and checklists that sometimes we forget to just stop and smell the roses. Get up, get the kids to school/daycare, get to work, big meeting, rush out get the kids from daycare, swing through a drive-thru, head to soccer, head home, get the kids in bed, throw in laundry before the kids have nothing to wear the next day, eventually roll into bed hoping the baby sleeps though the night so you can sleep a few hours before starting it all over.
Well the last death that occurred wasn't old age or sickness, it was the tragedy of a car accident. These types of things always get to me because you just never know. I know I will be excited on the day when I meet my Savior Jesus Christ , but the thought of leaving my husband and/or kids is saddening and at this point of my life kind of scary. I am a stay at home mom, meaning I take care of the kids and home things. Though my husband is good about mowing the grass and taking the trash out he doesn't know the words to my preschoolers favorite songs or the the different crys on my non-speaking toddler. He doesn't know when the mortgage is due or the password to the online bank account, just because all these things are things I typically take care off. Awhile ago I started a letter containing alot of these things and as I tearfully wrote it I had to take a break and never resumed. Well, today I plan to finish writing a letter to my husband with so many things that in the event something would happen he would have at least something to help him. I will note that though I have this on my computer I intend to print a hard copy and give it to my sister as well. This is something I intend to update as the times in our lives change and if we are fortunate to live a long healthy life together then it was a few minutes gone that made me sit and reflect and in the unfortunate event that something would happen it was time well spent to help my husband. If you don't have anything like this I challenge you to do the same.
Over the course of the past roughly 2 months we have lost 6 friends, neighbors, and family members. Though none of these are from our immediate family I believe death of those you know touches you. Each person deals with it a different way for me it usually makes me pause and reexamine my everyday living. It is so easy to get caught up in doing your everyday routines and checklists that sometimes we forget to just stop and smell the roses. Get up, get the kids to school/daycare, get to work, big meeting, rush out get the kids from daycare, swing through a drive-thru, head to soccer, head home, get the kids in bed, throw in laundry before the kids have nothing to wear the next day, eventually roll into bed hoping the baby sleeps though the night so you can sleep a few hours before starting it all over.
Well the last death that occurred wasn't old age or sickness, it was the tragedy of a car accident. These types of things always get to me because you just never know. I know I will be excited on the day when I meet my Savior Jesus Christ , but the thought of leaving my husband and/or kids is saddening and at this point of my life kind of scary. I am a stay at home mom, meaning I take care of the kids and home things. Though my husband is good about mowing the grass and taking the trash out he doesn't know the words to my preschoolers favorite songs or the the different crys on my non-speaking toddler. He doesn't know when the mortgage is due or the password to the online bank account, just because all these things are things I typically take care off. Awhile ago I started a letter containing alot of these things and as I tearfully wrote it I had to take a break and never resumed. Well, today I plan to finish writing a letter to my husband with so many things that in the event something would happen he would have at least something to help him. I will note that though I have this on my computer I intend to print a hard copy and give it to my sister as well. This is something I intend to update as the times in our lives change and if we are fortunate to live a long healthy life together then it was a few minutes gone that made me sit and reflect and in the unfortunate event that something would happen it was time well spent to help my husband. If you don't have anything like this I challenge you to do the same.
Giant Eagle~ A Few Cheapies & Freebies

Here are some GE deals for the week of 4/26-5/2
Pantene 2/$7-BOGO (4/29 PG)
Head & Shoulders 2/$9-BOGO (4/1 PG)
Brawny $1
-1/1 here
Dole Fruit Crisp $2
-75/1 (3/25SS)
Vlasic Stackers or Pickles $2
-75/1 (4/1SS)
Bird's Eye Bagged Veggies $1
-50/2 (4/1RP -EXPIRES 4/29)
Yoplait Light Granola Parfait $2
-75/1 (3/25SS)
Pampers $9.49 ($4 OYNO wyb 2)
- (2) 1.50 Printable (posted a few weeks back no longer available)
=15.98/2 - 4OYNO
=$11.98/2 or $5.99 Each
More Disney Rewards Points

Wahoo, DMR has more points available today by filling out a short survey. I had 2 available in my account each about 10 questions and took me a total of 5 minutes. I was rewarded 25 points for each. That's 50 more EASY points. Head here to log in and check it out.
If you aren't a member yet, but love Disney today is a great time to start. Simply register an account and each time you purchase a new Disney movie or head to the theater to view a Disney show you can earn points that you can use to cash out for toys, gift cards and more.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Mommy Tips & Tricks~ Wishlists
As a mom there is so much that falls on your shoulders. Over the years I have been finding little tips to help make some things just a little bit easier. I hope as the years continue these ideas continue to flow:) We will be discussing my HOME MANAGEMENT BINDER in length at another time, but it is basically the control center of my home. In it I have a section labeled miscellaneous in which my family "WISHLIST" fall.
Have you ever had someone ask you what you want for Christmas and you are stumped? Or what to get your child for a birthday and you think on my goodnight just not another TOY! I would have these moments where I couldn't come up with something and later on I'd say o man I should have told them "x", but I totally forgot about it. Well, here I keep each persons name with a running list. Each time I think of something or someone mentions something(with good reason... no I don't write down every baby and barbie doll my 3 year old wants:) I write it down. Then when their grandma asks what to get them for Christmas I can come up with something worth having instead of another toy they truly do not need. As things are bought by others our ourselves from this list I simply use a dry erase marker and cross it out.
I love this idea because writing it down means it's easily accessed and getting things from the list means that money is not being wasted on things that won't be used.
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